Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii Blog

What the heck is Spiritual Kindergarten?

sunny line
kindergarten bus
Get on the Kindergarten Bus!

Did you get to attend kindergarten?

Was it fun? It is supposed to be. If it wasn’t, I am so sorry, but now you can have another chance!

Kindergarten is a German word that means Child’s Garden and at heart it is a place where each person who enters, receives the opportunity to thrive.

We have kindergarten in school systems as its supposed to help you discover how fun it is to make friends, and learn together. It was created that each child should be given the opportunity to set the stage to thrive in the many years of schooling ahead.

Garden of Wonder

Garden of Wonder

What does garden mean to you? A place of wonder, beauty, growth, nourishment, peace, a pace to process, have some breathing room, celebrate, discover, explore, experiment. Perhaps it is a place for a bit of pruning, to pull weeds, to heal wounds and to plant dreams? Maybe it’s a place to pick fruits and eat powerful berries? A garden can be all these things and more. A child’s garden is a place where we can find our souls roots and rediscover, resurrect, and grow our dreams and ourselves into fruition. It is a safe sanctuary to explore, know and learn.

Do you have to be brand new to spiritual ideas to enter spiritual or psychic kindergarten? No.

Do you have to be experienced with meditation and spiritual concepts to experience kindergarten? No. Anyone at any level is welcome and can grow here.

In kindergarten is a purity. It is a place where you get to be you. Where each person is OK to be right where they are. We can be as advanced, as beginning, as silly, as serious, as excited, as sad, as enthusiastic, as miserable, as adventurous, as happy, as….Anything that we really are. Kindergarten in itself denotes a field of permission. It is like walking into a meadow of freedom where all who enter are accepted as they are; here, we are each able to grow inner acceptance of where we are and of who we are. We get more space to be. When we have more space to be, we relax into ourselves and now….The fun really starts.

Where You Are is Okay

Kindergarten means that where you right now at this moment is OK. (this can be a huge relief) Where you are right now is totally OK. Why? Because it is where you are, and you can only journey onward from this point. If we struggle with where we are it’s like being in quick sand – not fun! You can’t move because you have no where to move from. We each must identify where we are, then we are ready for each new step and we can take it with safety.

In kindergarten: If you are feeling great or not so great, positive or not so positive, it’s OK. If you are worried or fearful or happy and creative, it’s OK. All you need to do is be you at this moment in time…. And if you’re not sure what that is right now, not to worry. We have got some tools for you! These tools help you get into the moment and clear your path of obstacles. They sweep away what is not you and help you to discover what is you. Only one catch! You must use them…you can and will know you and you will find peace, or joy, or whatever it is you seek in relationship to yourself and your life here on earth…when you use theses tools. This is true.

Spiritual Kindergarten

We as the staff and teachers of the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii create and set an energy level of kindergarten in conjunction with divine sources. This sustains what you may experience as permission, safety and wonder. We set it in all the classes and programs from your first experience here to the most advanced possible. Kindergarten has nothing to do with being new, beginning or advanced. It is a state of being in which all who choose can learn to live in. It allows us each a chance to be happy, free of competition, snuggle and pain. Come on in!

Where to start?

Discover Clairvoyant Kindergarten with Clairvoyance 101

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