A New Year’s Message for 2021
from our Founder, Rev. Lisa French
Hello! Well, after 2020, I think we are all relieved to begin a new year, a new cycle and a new time. Let’s talk a little bit about what’s been going on. We have all been challenged by this global pandemic and so many side effects from that everywhere…As well, most of you will have heard, that Madame Pele, the Volcano Goddess of Hawaii’s Big Island, woke up and started a new journey of erupting on the winter’s solstice! 🌋
Some themes that we see clearly for 2021 are: the releasing of pain & suffering, the healing that the soul’s truth brings to each of us, and the clearing of our paths to live a creative life that allows the spirit’s passions to shine through. This combo is about building a new wave of powerful well being. I will elaborate.
Each year the powers that be, you might think of them as an angelic host, or perhaps simply the pure gold, or the grace, a higher power, Great Spirit, a fantastic team of light workers… However you think of them, know them, see them…at the beginning of each year they shift the energy for our world and raise it up, that we may all grow and evolve anew. This happens each year about 10 days after the winter solstice, when the light returns, when the energy begins to rise up again. It becomes time for a refresh, a resetting. This of course, is what most of us know as New Year’s or January 1. It then takes about 6 to 7 days for the new energy to settle in.
In 2020, they brought the energy up a lot! They had hoped that all people would move with it into a new space of clarity. For some people that happened ….but….It was prevented on a collective level. Something was in the way. What the new higher energy brought up was a darkness, the negative emotion, that which had been repressed and perhaps hostile…these came to the surface. Tremendously toxic things that were buried, came up for all to witness. We saw that in so many different ways in 2020. A Global pandemic, terrible suffocating sickness, racial and ethnic injustices, brutality from authority figures, hate crimes, etc. We also saw that for people carrying a lot of very dark emotion, as it began to surface it was frightening! But…We are here we in 2021 and the good news (!!!) is that bringing all of that to the surface is a way to purge it, so that there is an opportunity for true wellness to be created. Now is a time for restructuring to occur in ourselves so that the collective can receive more light and radiate greater wellness in a myriad of ways.
Has all of this pain and darkness been healed and dispensed with? No. However, it is now in a healing process because it is no longer hidden. Bringing it to light is in itself a radiant cleansing, a powerful illumination and a brilliant new beginning!
We know that our world is still in the throes of a painful pandemic and that’s not over yet. What’s clear in the midst of all this, is that there’s a huge wake up call ongoing! There is a clarity that people must wake up and not go back to sleep, there is much work to be done.
What can we each do?
This may sound backwards when there is so much illness….. But we always have to start with our inner selves. In the process of doing that, we will receive the guidance we need to be able to be supportive and helpful. In this way, we are each truly able to contribute to the well-being of us all.
What’s important now is the great work of knowing ourselves.
Taking the time to find our own authentic vibration, to know our own essence. To know beyond all shadow of a doubt, who we are… To take the journey of our souls and find our individual answers. To learn to communicate really well with our highest selves and with our bodies. It is time to sustain and grow the practice of being our own truest self.
What is the best way to promote healing?
What can we do?
We can be truthful with ourselves and we can learn to listen to the voice within, the great knowing of our own higher being.
Truth always heals, even when it’s a bumpy road to get there.
Truth: that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.
This knowing, this voice, this vision, will send us in the right direction within the maze. It will show us the way, even when all the doors appear to be closed… There is always a way! The path that opens may be unique for you and it won’t be that way for anyone else. The trick is to tune in. As you tune in, you find each one of your own dreams and you can begin to follow the threads or scavenger hunt clues to fulfill them. Don’t worry if all the doors and pathways aren’t there yet. They will open as you trust what comes from within you and you follow it. The practice is to follow each clue even if you can only see a little way ahead. You just start moving. It’s 2021, are your ready? Let’s do this!
The courage truth takes, is always worth it! Truth creates freedom, nourishes our hearts, opens our third eye, cares for our bodies. She nourishes and cleanses the subtle bodies and all of our energy systems. In other words truth allows freedom to live the life that completely suits your soul’s essential vibration.
Is it easy to do this? Yes & no. As with so many things, it takes training, techniques & practice.
How to receive knowledge and training in how to listen to your higher self?
How to follow your inner guidance system?
The Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii, a Global Sanctuary, and Magic Isle are non-profit organizations dedicated to teaching this at all levels, to the brand new, to the very experienced.
Where to start: It Starts in the 6 week classes, Clairvoyance 101 and 102.
We also offer for all people, counselings & readings on your life’s path, meditations, healings, workshops & more.
For those of you who have done those classes it continues in the two-year Clairvoyant training program in which you Journey deeply into finding that frequency that’s yours and learning to use Clairvoyant abilities to create freedom & to discover your truth.
Once you’ve passed that, you’re welcome to do the Clairvoyant Teachers & Spiritual Leadership Program. Beyond that we have one-on-one training, deprograming classes, “Your Own Birth” & more for advanced Clairvoyant healing and awareness.
We actually have years of training programs as well as 6 week classes, meditations, workshops, readings & so much more! Check out our calendar of events!
Back to Truth: The truth is that the journey of learning and mastering these clairvoyant tools have changed a tremendous number of lives for the better!
Now, if you’re reading this, you know that we are the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii. I’m also certain as I mentioned earlier, that you’ve heard the news… that on Big Island of Hawaii, the Kilauea Volcano, home of Madame Pele; the powerful, fiery, healing volcano goddess, has become quite active since the winter solstice.

If you didn’t know that she started her eruptions right on the winter solstice, you might be interested! The winter solstice is the gateway for the returning of light. The days start to get longer. The returning of the light brings healing, it brings new dreams, it opens up new paths, opens gateways and so on…. Which is why we dream and we begin to set new goals for a new year because that light feeds into them. So inspiring!
Madame Pele, who’s been busily working underwater but not on land for the last 2 1/2 years, began to get very active on the winter solstice of 2020. Why? Clearly this year, Pele has received a directive.
What she tells us, is that because of the toxicity that came to the surface (i.e. pandemic, etc.) is so enormous, there is much cleansing that needs to be done, she is working now as hard as she can at purification. She is doing this for all of us, to burn away the toxic emotions, sickness, old structures & dysfunctional energetics. There has been so very much suffering! Pele is working hard to burn away the anguish, to clear away the hurt and the pain, to wash clean, the many wounds. She is doing this for us all. Kilauea Volcano vents for the whole planet. The work that Pele is doing is for all of us on a global level….She is working to see some space for truth to be restored… and the pandemic, having done one of its tragic tasks, has awakened us so we can begin to clear that space.
If you feel inspired, you can imagine some of the suffering or hurt in your own life & for those that you love, going into the volcano to be cleared, to be detoxed, to be released. (This is available to do for the next month or two, then Pele will change the focus.) This will help create space for a warm genuineness that always contains the correct vibration to restore wholeness & wellbeing.
Pele would like us all to have the opportunity for a fresh start…
A place to find our own truth, our own answers in 2021 and to be able to listen to our own guidance systems… thus finding & possibly restoring our soul’s passions.
Pele says it is time to replace suffering with creativity. She has suggested for us to do whatever it takes to turn it into some kind of an art form in our waking lives. To sing it, to paint it (you don’t need to have any skill you just put colors down and let it move to express). She tells us to allow it take form – music, dance, any type of artistic expression will take the suffering and transform it into creativity. Once it’s moved into creativity, then true passion begins to burn and true passion burns away pain and hurt and brings us into an intrinsic alinement with the heartbeat of our souls & our daily lives.
Pele wants to see the heartbeat of our souls, of our cultures, of our communities be restored to wholeness, health and well-being. Let’s each of us work and play very intently in 2021, to find our inner truth and to receive the training that we need to be part of this great awakening.
Take a look at our calendar of events and see what kind of magical events you can find that will support your journey!
Join us in holding the vision of all of us reaching out and holding each other‘s hands (6 feet apart, lol) all around the globe. It’s a big world but we can do this… The first step is to create enough space within ourselves and then we can do it with a smile and a lot of respect for ourselves & others. If you are not sure how to do that effectively yet, we are delighted to teach you…If you already know, come join us in creating more space for us all, as we awaken and rebuild in 2021!