Become masterful with your Clairvoyance.
You’ve gathered the foundational tools, you’ve discovered the dynamics of reading energy… and now you’re ready for an epic adventure of awakening. In Developing Clairvoyant Mastery, you'll hone your skill and enliven your confidence in walking between and among the worlds... the world of spirit AND the world of matter.
In this course, you'll learn to see the spiritual essence of all things, and discover who YOU are as a unique being in the sphere of creation, recognizing your place of belonging in the symphony of life.
Your life is calling you to show up in your radiant fullness.
Say yes to the calling of your spirit.

Cultivate Clairvoyance as a Spiritual Practice
- Recognize the spiritual essence in all people and things, and your place of belonging in the full spectrum of life.
- Use your life experience as the raw material for your spiritual growth and evolution, so no matter what happens, you can access the inner resources to meet each encounter with presence and possibility.
- Develop a profound and intimate relationship with your own spirit, and a deep trust in receiving your own answers about life. The spiritual practice you hone in this course will sustain you wherever you go, and can serve you for a lifetime, and beyond.

Become Masterful with Your Own Psychic Energy
- Become more present in your physical body, and learn to heal and vitalize your energy body... aura, chakras, channels, and more.
- Dissolve long-held limiting patterns that drain your energy and aren't YOU... release a lifetime of pain, doubt, self-sabotage, fear, anxiety...whatever has been in the way of who you really are.
- Grow into your strength and certainty, and emerge into the fullness of your spiritual essence, more grounded, confident, resilient, and radiantly YOU.

Emerge as a Confident Clairvoyant Reader
- Become adept at reading and discerning many kinds of energy in yourself, in your world, and while reading others.
- Develop the clarity and certainty to give insightful clairvoyant readings to real people, seeing the light of their spirit.
- Support others in moving through their own life’s challenges by helping them release old, stuck energy while validating their unique spiritual gifts.
- Sustain your energetic health, safety and wholeness, while maintaining clear boundaries and giving compassionate communication.... in readings, in relationships, and in life!

Earn the Accomplishment of Clairvoyant Certification
- Graduate in a sacred ceremony, and be witnessed and celebrated in clairvoyant community.
- Gain the skill and confidence, along with the blessing of the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii, to give clairvoyant readings spiritually or professionally.
- Be recognized with a certificate you can display on your office wall or website.
- Commend your own growth, and experience the authentic inner validation of completing a profound personal and spiritual initiation.

The Clairvoyant Program changed my life. Through the teaching and the tools, I was able to let go of things that kept me stuck in the past. I came to my first class doubtful, bitter, and disgruntled. Just a few months later, I was able to have more humor, joy, and optimism. I did that. The tools and the guidance provided me the space and opportunity to do that.
~ Leesa F., Clairvoyant Program Graduate
How the Developing Clairvoyant Mastery Course Works
This is the 3rd step of our 3-step Clairvoyant Training Program. You are eligible to apply for the Developing Clairvoyant Mastery course anytime after completing Step 2: Dynamics of Reading Energy.

Step 3: Developing Clairvoyant Mastery (Certification Path)
Clairvoyant Practitioner Certification Path
The certification path is a profound journey of transformation and discovery that connects you with YOU – your spiritual essence, your unique truth, and your own Clairvoyant awareness. You will use your clairvoyant tools to clear old blocks and limits from your energy body, resetting your entire energy system with the empowering light of your own true Self.
As part of the training you will work in supervised groups with your fellow students to give psychic readings to real people. In the process you will heal yourself, and develop confidence and certainty in your ability to see and transform energy patterns. You will also receive many amazing readings from our staff, and from fellow students.
Course Details:
Duration: 1 year + 9 months
Experience: 1 live class each week + 1-3 reading spaces each week
Prerequisite: Clairvoyant Foundations (or Clairvoyance 101+102 prior to 2024), and Dynamics of Reading Energy
The Clairvoyant Training Program Experience

Live Teleconference Classes

Interactive & Experiential Approach

One-to-One Support from Teachers

Small Class Sizes

Participate from Anywhere in the World
Are you ready for the next step in your spiritual evolution?
Truly see and be seen as the bright light of spirit that you are.
Do your inner work: compassionately transform your challenges into miraculous opportunities for growth.
Heal your past, and bloom into more of your potential.
Walk your unique spiritual path with play, wonder, creativity and a sense of humor!
Be uplifted in a container of support, and be part of a community you can grow with.
The Developing Clairvoyant Mastery Course Process
Developing Clairvoyant Mastery is an intensive 21-month journey of spiritual visioning. The course is designed to be a profound spiritual container for your growth and evolution as spirit. You will attend classes and readings, meditate daily, and learn to energetically heal yourself and others. The course includes:
The Developing Clairvoyant Mastery Curriculum

Level 1

Level 2

Clairvoyant Reading
In the Clairvoyant Mastery course, you will use your clairvoyant reading skills to discover your own soul’s knowing about each idea you will explore. Your teachers will present many topics and concepts, and expertly guide you to see and experience the clairvoyant images that arise within you. In this way, you will illuminate a deeper, richer understanding of each topic.
Rather than simply gathering knowledge,
you will assimilate your own true wisdom.
Level 1
In Level 1, during the first 9 months or so, you will continue to strengthen your foundational tools, and develop more skill and certainty in working with clairvoyant imagery.
Some topics you will explore in Level 1:
Spiritual Anatomy - Awaken, heal, and potentize your chakras, aura, energy channels, etc.
Body, Spirit & Higher Self Communication - Align all of you so you can move through life in inner harmony, rather than fighting against yourself.
Receiving Your Own Answers- Connect and communicate with the Divine in you and all things. (And know what questions to ask!)
Energetic Health & Safety - How to tend your energy field while giving readings or interacting in the world. Recognizing when your energy gets out of whack, so you can shift it.
Clearing Energy Cords & Whacks - How to respond when not-nice energy comes at you... like mean, needy, aggressive, or manipulative energy.
Male & Female Energies - Harmonize & heal the male & female energies within you.
Giving Clairvoyant Readings - How to read auras, past lives, other people’s questions, and more.
Clearing Painful Images - How can you separate from painful images that may keep you stuck creating negativity in an unconscious state?
Creating Empowering Images - How can you create compelling images that fuel your soul's dreams and allow you to fulfill your true destiny?
Reclaiming Your Life Force - How can you draw back your energy from the past, from pain and from painful imagery? This is the biggest life changer and you can use these tools the rest of your life and beyond this life.
And much, much more!
Level 2
In Level 2 you will continue strengthening your psychic abilities, while expanding your insight into what’s possible beyond the everyday world.
In exploring other dimensions of awareness, you enrich your current life with greater personal understanding and the larger context of who you are and what your purpose is in this lifetime, as a Spirit.
Some topics you will explore in Level 2:
Out of Body Experiences - Where do you go, what might you see, and how do you get back into your body?
Past Lives - How do past lives affect you now, and how can you pull your power and energy out of them so you need never relive them?!
Astral Adventures - Where you go when you sleep?
Clearing Karmic Patterns - How do you break old cycles that no longer serve you? These patterns are exhausting, and can limit you and hold you back from where you are going!
Akashic Records - What are they? How can you read and use them?
Genetic & Family Information - How can you liberate yourself and others from patterns of illness, negative emotions and a variety of other conditions?
Beings without Bodies - Learn about light beings like Angels & Spirit Guides, and also some darker, not-so-friendly beings. Learn to create to safe conditions around other beings.
The Spiritual Path & Evolution of the Soul - Discover where you are in your soul's unique journey, recognize your innate gifts, and embody your own authenticity.
And much, much more!
Becoming a Confident Clairvoyant Reader
In the Clairvoyant Training Program, you learn to be clairvoyant by practicing clairvoyance! You will examine every topic through the lens of your third eye, your spiritual knowing, your clairvoyant awareness. Throughout the course, you will exercise this muscle daily.
Every week, as part of the training, you will give psychic readings to real people via teleconference, in a "Clairvoyant Reading Room." You and your fellow students will work in groups, called "reading lines," to deliver the readings, and develop your confidence and certainty in your ability to see energy.
For the first few weeks of your training you will observe the readings, and gradually as you gain experience, you will begin to give certain sections of the reading. You will always have the support of a teacher who will guide the overall flow of the reading, and be there to help you if you get stuck.

Release Doubt, Discover Your Magic
Students often ask the question, "What if I want to take the classes, but I don’t want to give readings?" You’re not alone! Many students initially have doubts about giving readings, but by the end of the training, it’s their very favorite part!
A common fear students experience initially is, "What if I’m just making it all up? What if I say the wrong thing? What if I make a fool of myself?"
We’ve all been there and had those thoughts, fears and doubts. Your teachers will expertly guide you to move through them, so you can authentically see another spirit and validate them on their path. Clairvoyant readings are the core of the work; they are the laboratory of magic and adventure.
In Reading Others, You Heal Yourself
When you can compassionately look deeply into another person’s experience and acknowledge where they are, everyone gets a healing!
It’s often easier to see in others what we’re unable or unwilling to acknowledge in ourselves. When we see these qualities, challenges, gems, or “pictures” in others, we’re more neutral, and things are less charged. By seeing these qualities in others, we can work on the same qualities in ourselves - owning our light and removing the intense charge of our challenges. Reading others becomes a tool for our own growth, self-awareness, and increasing freedom.

What's Included in
Developing Clairvoyant Mastery

Weekly Teleconference Classes
One class each week. About 2 hours to 2 hours & 20 minutes each, with a short break. Via phone or computer connection.

Weekly Live Aura Readings
Participate as a student and give live readings in a supervised group with your peers. (Reading Spaces are about 2.5 hours each.)

Monthly Individual Sessions
with a Teacher
Get monthly personalized support sessions about working with your Clairvoyance in your life. Approx. 25 minutes each.

Designated 3-month
Support Teacher
For the first 3 months of your program, you'll have a designated teacher who you can reach out to with questions anytime.

Additional Special Events
Participate as a student in Aura Healing Clinics, Psychic Demos, Psychic Fairs and more special events throughout the year.

24/7 Spiritual Container
of Support
Throughout your course you will be held in a sacred container of spiritual support. Much of the training happens on the Astral and telepathically!
When I started the clairvoyant training program, I was pretty lost and unhappy. I was searching for a way to bring more joy into my life and connect with my kids. In the program, I gained many tools, which I use every day. I have learned to use those tools in deeper ways as time has progressed.
The curriculum has helped me become more aware of who I am and what is mine to hold. I have been able to find amusement and soo much more joy in my life. I am forever grateful I found this program.
~ Sabah S., Clairvoyant Program Graduate

The Results
The Clairvoyant Training Program is a life-changing experience that will give you the tools and resources to know your Self, and embody what is true for You.
At the completion of your Developing Clairvoyant Mastery course, you will have deeply transformed many of your most trenchant life patterns into a higher awareness of the grace, flow, and possibility that’s infinitely available to you. You will be a confident pathfinder in the world of spirit and the world of matter. You will be able to adeptly navigate the ups and downs of your own experience, and compassionately support others in their own journeys of discovery by reading them as Spirit.

Be empowered in your psychic abilities for life.
You can go anywhere in the world and practice clairvoyance and know that you’ve been trained to raise the vibration of energy, and say hello to Spirit, in all its many forms. You have the opportunity to bring more light, awareness and truth to all people and help them by saying hello to their spirit to find what is true for them.
In practicing being a Clairvoyant in the world, you will also find more of what is true for you. You will continue to evolve, clear karma, trauma, and pain as you grow, and become more and more yourself.
Be recognized & celebrated in spiritual community.
At the conclusion of your program, you will graduate in a sacred ceremony, and receive certification as a clairvoyant practitioner, recognizing your growth and accomplishment. You can hang your certificate on your wall or post it on your website, as a testament that you are certified and trained by an international organization to legitimately practice all kinds of energy medicine in the form of reading energies, businesses, events, situations, houses, people, spirits, groups, pets, guides, relationships, etc.
Some people become professional psychic readers, yet most simply choose to use clairvoyance to enhance everyday life. It is a splendid thing to be able to go any where and see colors, energies and spirit!

Developing Clairvoyant Mastery Enrollment
Developing Clairvoyant Mastery is a rotational curriculum, which means you can apply and join the course at any time after completing Step 1 & Step 2 of the Clairvoyant Training program. (Clairvoyant Foundations & Dynamics of Reading Energy)
Apply to Step 3:
Developing Clairvoyant Mastery
21 months ★ $275/month
Payment Plan: $5775
$275/month for 21 months
Pay in full: $5495 (Best Value)
Save $280 compared to payment plan
21 months of Clairvoyant Training Includes:

There are many things about clairvoyant program that have changed me. I was someone who carried around much trouble and was an afraid rabbit. I had so much guilt I wasn't even sure who I was. As I went to the classes stuck with it and practiced the tools, I noticed the most truthful heartfelt words and really meaning it, "I love myself." I now say it daily and it feels great!
~ Marcia S., Clairvoyant Program Graduate
Common Questions About
the Clairvoyant Mastery Course
Join us for a journey of a lifetime...
Start with Step 1:
Go Deeper with Step 2:
Get Certified in Step 3:

I came to this work with some very deep energetic blocks. I had gone through multiple years of training, in multiple modalities over the course of 17 years looking for a way to reach those blocks and heal. It wasn't until I came to the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii that I started to actually feel seen and gain the tools to truly heal myself. The ease and freedom that has come into my life as a result of these trainings has allowed me to create a path out of my own nightmare and into the joy of my soul's purpose. I highly recommend the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii and Magic Isle for its teachers, its integrity to the Lewis Bostwick lineage, and teaching tools that truly work. Thank you from the depths of my soul for helping me to remember who I am!
~ Jeff S., Clairvoyant Teacher Student
What's After Developing Clairvoyant Mastery?
Once you graduate from our life-transforming Clairvoyant Training Program (Steps 1 through 3), you are eligible to participate in our Graduate Level Clairvoyant Trainings, offered through our sister school, Magic Isle. We have many years of Clairvoyant Training beyond the Certification course, and you can continue to grow and be supported in community, well beyond your Clairvoyant Program graduation.

Graduate Level Courses: Clairvoyant Teachers Training & Beyond
In our graduate-level courses with Magic Isle, you will continue working with your Clairvoyant abilities to build the strength and light of your awareness. You will heal yourself deeply, strengthen your crown chakra, grow your confidence and knowing, and support others in doing the same.
Magic Isle offers a 3+ year Clairvoyant Teacher Training & Spiritual Leadership Course (at the completion of which you may be ordained as a Spiritual Minister), a One-to-One course where you work individually with a teacher monthly, and many other courses to continue developing your Clairvoyant abilities. Many practicing psychics throughout the world continue their training through Magic Isle, for both personal growth, and professional development.
Graduate Courses Include:
- Clairvoyant Teacher Training & Spiritual Leadership Course (3+years)
- One-to-One Course
- Deprogramming Course
- & More