Healer, heal thyself.
Do people naturally seem to gravitate to you for help and advice? Or maybe you are someone who wants to help others but don’t know how? Perhaps you find yourself unconsciously "healing" or helping people in a way that depletes your energy...
In the Clairvoyant Healing courses, you will learn a powerful method of spiritual healing that allows you to heal from a place of wholeness. Rather than giving your energy away in effort to help, or trying to take away (or take on!) someone else's pain or problems, you will learn how to offer true spiritual healing that leaves everyone (including you!) more whole, more complete and more fully healed.
What does it mean to be a Clairvoyant Healer?
In the healing courses, you will learn to safely and effectively work with special light beings called "healing guides" to release stuck energy from within a person’s body and energy field, including the aura, chakras and energy channels. Blocked or stuck energy in a person’s space causes discomfort, pain and “dis-ease," and as you transform the old energy, you will witness the natural, radiant healthy energy return.
You will learn how give healings remotely to help people, animals and situations in your life, and around the world. You will also discover that as you give healings, you also receive the healing energy for yourself.

So much can be said about the pure magic of clairvoyant healing. The most powerful is giving someone a healing who really needs a lift. I just did that this morning for my daughter who was trying to be assertive to a coworker, but it was a struggle for her. I called upon my guides and used the clairvoyant healing skills. Energy was moving and she texted me back, "I feel sooo much better, and my migraine is easing." That's wow!
~ Marcia S., Clairvoyant Healing Graduate
How the Clairvoyant Healing Courses Works
Students are eligible for the 12-week Clairvoyant Healing Level 1 course anytime after completing Clairvoyant Foundations.

Healing, Level 1
In this 12-week course, you will learn the core of Clairvoyant Healing. You will learn how to work with two healing spirit guides, a "Healing Master" and a "Psychic Surgeon," who enter into a sacred agreement with you to support you as a Healer. Each class focuses on the fundamentals, the mechanics and the benefits of working with these healing guides.
Each class will build upon the knowledge you have already gained in the Clairvoyant Foundations classes about energy. You will use your clairvoyance to watch your spirit guides give the subject of your healing
(the healee) a spiritual “hello” and healing. You and our healing guides will provide healings on a person’s aura layers, energy channels, chakras and a whole lot more.
Course Details:
Duration: 3 Months (12 classes)
Experience: 1 live class each week via audio teleconference
Prerequisite: Clairvoyant Foundations
(or Clairvoyance 101+102 prior to 2024)
Healing, Level 2
In this 8-week course, you will learn advanced healing techniques. You will continue to work with your healing spirit guides, and you will develop increasing confidence in your healing abilities, as you give healings for body and spirit.
Each class focuses on an advanced healing technique, which you will add to your healing toolbox. You will continue to use your clairvoyance to see the healing energy, as you give and receive original essence healings, astral body healings, golden cell healings, and more.
Course Details:
Duration: 2 Months (8 classes)
Experience: 1 live class each week via audio teleconference
Prerequisite: Clairvoyant Foundations (or Clairvoyance 101+102 prior to 2024) & Healing, Level 1 (or Healing 101+102 prior to 2024)
The Clairvoyant Healing Course Experience

Live Teleconference Classes

Interactive & Experiential Approach

Small Class Sizes

Participate from Anywhere in the World
In Clairvoyant Healing: Level 1, you will learn to:
See & heal the chakras (the energy centers of the body)
Heal the Aura layers (the energy field around a person) by removing damage & helping each layer be whole again
Clear blocks within energy channels, so health, vitality and spiritual information can flow freely
Cultivate a working relationship with your very own healing spirit guides: a Healing Master & Psychic Surgeon
Give energy healings to people, animals, relationships, finances and situations
Fine tune your clairvoyant abilities while giving healings!

In Clairvoyant Healing: Level 2, you will learn advanced healing techniques, including:
Organ & Gland Healings
Original Essence Healings
Christ Force Healings
Astral Body Healings
Golden Cell Healings
& More!

What is Clairvoyant Healing?
Well, let’s start with the more conventional healings you may be more familiar with. Conventional healing happens on a physical level, often with the help of medication. We have all probably been to the doctor when we were sick or got hurt, but there is a healing energy in all of us. For instance: If you cut your finger your body automatically starts to go into healing mode and your cells start to mend and heal the cut. Sometimes you may need assistance of a medical professional if the cut was large but nonetheless your body starts the healing process internally.
The Spiritual Side of Healing
Clairvoyant Healing works with the spiritual and energetic aspect of the person receiving a healing (the "healee"). You will work with special spirit guides called a "healing master" and "psychic surgeon" to do the healing work for a healee or situation.
In the process of Clairvoyant Healing, you won’t be using or giving away your own energy. Nor will you be taking energy from someone. Your healing guides will work with the spirit of the person receiving the healing to help activate their own healing energy within them. This neutral healing energy creates change and the space to allow change to happen. The movement of energy occurs within the healee’s body. This is the spirit/body connection. Healing occurs when there is a shift in energy.

In the healing courses you will learn:
- What is healing energy, and how you can work with it
- When and when not to heal
- Why this method of healing is safe and effective
- How to heal without taking on someone’s energy or challenges
- How you receive healing while providing healing for someone else
- How to discover your own unique style as a healer and what specialties you may have
What's Included in the
Clairvoyant Healing Courses

Live Teleconference Classes
One class each week. About 2 hours to 2 hours & 20 minutes each, with a short break. Via phone or computer connection.

Giving & Receiving Clairvoyant Healings
Give & receive healings and practice what you learn in each class with your fellow students.

Participation in Aura Healing Clinics
Attend the monthly Aura Healing clinics and practice giving healings to live "healees."
Healing Course Enrollment
Have you already completed Step 1: Clairvoyant Foundations? If so, you are welcome to enroll in the Healing, Level 1 Course. We offer this 12-week course once or twice each year. Healing Level 2 is open to students who have completed Clairvoyant Foundations, and Healing Level 1.
If you haven't yet had the prerequisite course, Clairvoyant Foundations, you can go here to learn more and enroll.
Enroll in the
Clairvoyant Healing Course, Level 1
12 Weeks ★ $825
Payment Plan: $825
$275/month for 3 months
Pay in full: $750
Save $75 compared to payment plan.
*Current Developing Clairvoyant Mastery Students receive a tuition reduction. Please login to your account to ensure you receive the discount at checkout.*
Clairvoyant Healing 1 Course - Coming in Fall 2025
Prerequisite: Clairvoyant Foundations
Date: TBA
Enroll in the
Clairvoyant Healing Course, Level 2
8 Weeks ★ $555
3 Month Payment Plan: $555
$185/month for 3 months
2 Month Payment Plan: $550
$275/month for 2 months
Pay in full: $495
Save $60 compared to payment plan.
*Current Developing Clairvoyant Mastery Students receive a tuition reduction. Please login to your account to ensure you receive the discount at checkout.*
Clairvoyant Healing, Level 2 Course - Spring 2025
Prerequisite: Clairvoyant Foundations & Healing 1 (Or Healing 101+102)
Dates: March 5 - April 30, 2025 (no class April 16)
Time: Wednesdays, 5 pm Pacific / Los Angeles Time ( 2pm or 3pm Hawaii*/ 8 pm Eastern) *Note US daylight saving time change March 9th*
Duration: 2 hours - 2 hours & 20 minutes
Live via Audio Teleconference
Curious about future course dates?
We offer each 12-week Healing, Level 1 course once or twice each year, usually in the spring and fall. The Level 2 course is usually offered once per year, or every other year. If you'd like to stay informed of upcoming courses, let us know, and we'll be in touch when we announce new course offerings!