What is Clairvoyance?

What is Clairvoyance?
Clairvoyance is a French word that means “Clear Seeing.” It’s a psychic ability, the intuitive 6th Sense, and the subtle perception that allows us to see energy. We have our usual 5 senses of the body (touch, taste, sight, smell, hearing), and we also have many psychic senses that the spirit uses to receive more subtle information, beyond the five ordinary senses.
Clairvoyance works with your Spiritual Eye, rather than the physical eyes. The spiritual eye is the 6th Chakra, or Third Eye, and it is an energy center in the mid-brain, behind the forehead.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means “wheel” or “energy center”. A chakra is like a spinning wheel of light and energy. Chakras contain our spiritual information. They help the spirit process information, much like the five senses process information for the body. The spirit receives information using many different chakras, and each chakra has a spiritual, or psychic ability. Clairvoyance is the Spiritual ability of the 6th chakra.
What is a Clairvoyant?
A Clairvoyant is someone who uses the psychic ability of the third eye, or 6th chakra to "see" energy in the form of colors, pictures, images, light and movement.
Clairvoyants are regular people just like you. Anyone can develop Clairvoyant abilities with training and practice.
What’s the Difference Between “Psychic” and “Clairvoyance”
Clairvoyance is a “psychic” ability, and there are many more psychic abilities in addition to Clairvoyance.
You could consider “psychic” to be a broad term, like the word food. There are zillions of types of food- the same goes with types psychic experiences. Food might mean a few leaves picked from the right plant, fast food, or an eight-course meal. It could mean vegetables, ice cream, pasta, pop corn, fruit salad, chocolate, kimchee, green curry - there is a seemingly endless list of food possibilities, and each provides a very different experience and different nutritional or chemical effects.
The psychic fields are just as broad. Psychic experience includes everything from Clairvoyance (clear seeing) to telepathy (hearing communication without someone speaking out loud), to channeling (bringing a spirit into your body) to clairsentience (feeling what someone else feels), and so much more!
The word “psychic” stems from the Greek, and it means, “Soul Personality Energy.” All of us have soul personality energy. This is the energy of a spirit. It’s what transcends material existence and allows us to be so much more. Soul personality energy contains the entire mystical realm. We each also have “body personality energy.” Body personality energy is related to time and space, and it’s this energy that allows us to take care of our every day basics.
We have both, body and soul, and it’s important that we care for each of them so we can be vibrantly healthy, luxuriously alive, and awake to our true spiritual path. Many of us are taught some basics about taking care of the body (eat healthy, get some exercise, sleep is important, etc.!), but how many of us are taught how to care for our soul in a nurturing, honoring way? Psychic training gives you tools and resources to listen to the needs of your soul, and feed your spirit.
Because you have a soul, and soul personality energy, this means you are psychic! You don’t have to learn to become psychic – you already are psychic! In order to consciously use your psychic abilities, you just need to exercise the muscle, and clear out the beliefs and ideas that keep you from knowing and receiving your spiritual truth. It’s a process of “remembering” your inherent ability!
At the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii, we teach people how to exercise the muscle of their inherent Clairvoyance, and to develop psychic awareness using the Third Eye.
Why Clairvoyance?
When you see something Clairvoyantly, it’s a powerful and magical experience. With proper training, you can have a ton of fun and be very safe doing this. Some other psychic fields can be more overwhelming. For example, if you feel what someone else feels (empathic ability), you might get lost, anxious, or confused by that persons emotional state, and take it on as your own. If you simply look at the energy or emotion like a movie, you can still be in your center, and not take it on. With Clairvoyance, you can read the energy of what’s really going on in many different types of situations.
We teach Clairvoyance because it is fun, useful, healing, inspiring, and extremely helpful to ourselves and others. We teach it because it helps each of us receive and understand our answers. You can use Clairvoyance to look at yourself, make decisions, create your dreams, and more. You can also use it to give readings for other people.
Clairvoyance allows us to discover who we are, and it helps us make clear choices. It also let’s us begin to see a bigger picture and tap into the divine essence of our unique soul personality, or psychic energy.
Do you have questions in your life? Learn to get the answers by using your Clairvoyant abilities!Every question is a quest of some sort. With Clairvoyance the quest becomes an interesting and exciting adventure, where you can discover your inner treasures!
Am I Psychic? Can Anyone Be Psychic or Clairvoyant?
Yes! That includes you! Many people believe that they’re not psychic, or that they don’t see things. Perhaps they’re more used to feeling things, or hearing things, or they have a stronger sense of being able to figure things out logically, rather than intuitively. Even if that’s been your experience, you absolutely have access to your innate Clairvoyant ability – it’s simply a matter of strengthening the ability, trusting it, and clearing out old beliefs that say it’s not possible. This is exactly what we do in our Clairvoyant training programs and classes.
Did you know how to swim, or ride a bicycle before someone taught you? And even after you learned how, it probably took some practice before you felt confident, right? It’s the same thing with Clairvoyance. You can become confident in your ability to see energy, it just takes practice!
In the beginning, you might just see colors or shapes, or haze, or lightness or darkness. Maybe you see movement, or even a symbol. You might not see energy like a technicolor photograph, and that’s okay! When we look at energy, we use the Spiritual Eye, and things look different through this eye than they do to our physical eyes.
The Clairvoyant Center teaches how to see energy as colors, vibration, and images. When you strengthen this muscle, you can quickly learn to read an Aura, and look at all kinds of energy.
How to Become Clairvoyant
The good news is you don’t have to become Clairvoyant. You already are! The trick is to access your inherent ability. This ability is located in your head, but it’s different than your thinking centers, which perform a totally different function.
The seeing center is close to your eyes, which makes sense: you have to learn to get in your body for this to work. You also have to get into the right place in your body. You can’t see from your heart, or belly or knee cap. You must get in your head.
When developing Clairvoyance there are generally two types of people. One type has it shut down or turned very low. These people will need to clear out the blocks. We teach people techniques to do this as well as how to actually access it. They may also need to clear the energies that say, “it’s not real,” or, “it’s only imagination.” Imagination is a clairvoyant function! The word imagination is about creating with images, which is a Clairvoyant ability!
The other type of person has their Clairvoyance turned way up and it’s out of control. These types see all kinds of things and may have trouble discerning what is real. This is sometimes overwhelming and these people may experience anxiety, confusion and discomfort. They will need to turn the ability down, clear it out, and manage it differently. Often though, these people are very enthusiastic; they simply have erratic Clairvoyance and will enjoy learning techniques to help them be able to focus it.
Clairvoyance isn’t hard to learn, and it’s fun! With just a bit of inspiration and the willingness to practice some exercises, you can safely develop your abilities.
Discover the Gifts of Clairvoyance…
When we tap into our Clairvoyant ability, we receive the gifts of our spiritual answers, and our connection with our Higher Selves.
We’re able to experience more joy, laughter, certainty, understanding, and harmony with our true nature. We look within for guidance, and find answers to questions large and small, physical and spiritual. Awakening clairvoyance is a fun adventure that infuses life with magic, wonder, appreciation, and purpose.
Where to Begin
To have a taste of Clairvoyance, we recommend that you get a Clairvoyant Reading. A reading isn’t scary, it’s incredibly validating to your spirit, and a fascinating experience.
To learn to develop your abilities: start in a Clairvoyant 101 class.
In Clairvoyance 101, you will discover and learn some amazing tools and techniques that you can use every day. If you love what you learn, you can continue with Clairvoyance 102, and then the Clairvoyant Training Program. If you graduate from the Clairvoyant Training Program and want more, you can continue in our Teacher Training & Spiritual Leadership Program, One-to-One courses, and our many graduate-level workshops and trainings.
Spiritual freedom embraces diversity and celebrates the uniqueness of every human soul. Each of us is an integral part of the Divine whole. Everyone - of every race, culture, gender, gender expression, sex, sexual orientation, ability, age, faith, class and background - is welcome. Clairvoyance is for everyone!