Finding A Deeper Connection With Yourself and Discovering A Mystical Creativity That Unites of All

sunny line

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $35.00.

Taught by Rev. Lisa French
A recording of a live workshop from Lake Tahoe at our annual Clairvoyant gathering.
Extra potent!

Taught by Rev. Lisa French

During this workshop we will learn some great techniques to deepen our awareness of who we really are. We’ll open up our connection with that place. We will look at and learn the way out of several of the road blocks to the true knowing of the self.

Part of the art of cultivating a deeper connection with ourselves, is truly knowing ourselves. Knowing ourselves is the journey of a lifetime. Let’s consider what that means and look at several ways we can know ourselves and how we can truly embrace that. In knowing ourselves we discover the keys that open up a deeper awareness inside. Then we connect with the mystic portals of healing and creativity. From there our whole lives open up profoundly.

Creativity is our birthright. It blossoms from our soul in the process of liberation.

We will look into a pure creativity that unites us and pulls us into a limitless and mystical awareness. From here, each one of us can heal anything, solve anything, go anywhere, or simply sit in the seat of holy wholeness.

We will be taking a trip to:

  • The temple of liberation. We will learn where it is, how to get there, how to use it and more. We will each be learning how to visit this place and use it whenever things are not going quite right. This is a tool we will have for life!
  • From here we will journey to the place of our own pure creativity and experience it in unbridled glory.

Mystical inner union brings us to the center of our own heart where we can celebrate the discovery and recovery of inner love! The end result is loving ourselves and all of life, living here, creating here and being in “henosis.”

Come join us for an unforgettable evening that will provide nourishment to each of us for the rest of our lives!