Teleconference Instructions

Most of our events are offered live via teleconference, and a few are offered via video conference.
All you need is a phone or a computer to participate.
Teleconference Classes via MaestroConference

When you register for an event through our website, you will land on a confirmation page, and receive a confirmation email. Both will include your call-in data from our teleconferencing platform, MaestroConference.
Calling by Phone
The call-in number will be a normal US phone number. Regular phone rates apply, so please check with your phone carrier for pricing. This will simply be a long distance call. No other charges are attached to the dialing the number.
At the time of your call, enter the phone number. This gets you into the “Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii” on MaestroConference. Then, after the prompt, enter your PIN, followed by the # key. Your PIN gets you into the right classroom!
You will enter a teleconference “global auditorium.” Imagine that you find your seat among the other students! Make yourself comfortable. You might hear some music until the event is ready to start, and then a teacher will greet you and begin.
Calling from a Computer
Alternatively, you can dial in using your computer by visiting:
When prompted, enter your PIN to enter the classroom. Allow the device to use your mic.
International Calling
Calling from outside the US? In this case, we recommend using the webphone option above.
We love participation! If you have a question or a comment, press 1 on your keypad. This is like “raising your hand,’ and the teacher can call on you.
Sound Issues
If you’re somewhere noisy, we may mute you so the noise doesn’t disturb the other students. You can also mute your own phone, and unmute yourself when you have something to share. If you have trouble hearing at any point, or the sound gets funny, press 2 on your keypad. This lets the teacher know there’s a sound issue.
During Your Call
When attending a conference call, it is best to find a quiet place where you can be alone, uninterrupted for the duration of the event.
Barking dogs, fighting cats, jackhammers, and noisy neighbors are part of most everyones lives. Usually, these noises get louder when we are doing something we wish to concentrate on. (Of course!) If this is to happen during the event, please place your phone on mute. You may feel free to change locations during the event as well. Please just be mindful of the outside interference which may occasionally come through your phone line.
If You Get Disconnected
Technology can be a strange beast, and for whatever reason, the line goes dead sometimes. Jump off the line, and then follow the same set of instructions above. That should reconnect you.
The tuition for our courses is per person, not per phone line, so if someone else you know is interested in attending an event with us, please have them register, too.
We Look Forward to Seeing You in Class!