January 4th, 2025 at 8:00am Pacific
Please note: All times are scheduled in Pacific Time (Los Angeles). Click here for a date / time conversion tool.
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Introduction to Clairvoyance:
A Conversation & Meditation
Date: Saturday, January 4, 2025
Time: 8 am Pacific Time (6 am Hawaii, 11 am Eastern, 4 pm UK)
Duration: Approx. 1 hour – 1 hour & 15 minutes
Live via Zoom Conference (and afterward via recording)
Register now, and we’ll make the recording available for one week after, if you can’t make it live!
Your Zoom link will arrive in an email before the event.
Open to Beginners
What are your questions about Clairvoyance? Am I Clairvoyant? Can anyone be Clairvoyant? How do you turn it off? How can it help me?
Everyone is Clairvoyant. Yes, everyone! Including YOU. Maybe you have a strong awareness of your ability, and maybe you’re not sure if you are!
We invite you to join us for a Clairvoyant open house where you can learn all about clairvoyance, and how we teach it at the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii. We’ll guide you through a simple Clairvoyant meditation so you can experience Clairvoyance for yourself. And we’ll share some Clairvoyant stories and answer questions about how to develop your psychic abilities and awaken clairvoyance for yourself. If you’re curious about our 3-step Clairvoyant Training Program, this is a wonderful opportunity to ask your questions and discover more about the clairvoyant journey.
Come along, and discover how Clairvoyance can support you bring more magic and awareness to every day! This is a free, 1-hour to 1-hour & 15 minute event, open to beginners.