Seven Stages of Grief: How to Identify Them and Create Dynamic Healing

sunny line


An audio download of a Clairvoyant Workshop taught by Founder, Rev. Lisa French
Duration: 3 hours

(Your teacher will share more about these agreements with you during the first class. And if you have any questions about them, please email us at!)

  • I am willing to play, grow and learn Clairvoyance!
  • I will attend the live class each week.
  • I will show up on time to class!
  • I will create a quiet place to be in class, and minimize external distractions.
  • I will refrain from using illegal or recreational drugs during this series, and I will refrain from using cannabis on class days.
  • I will not share or teach what I learn in this class. I will not publish what I learn in this class in any medium. I will use the Clairvoyant tools for my own growth & development.
  • I will practice my new Clairvoyant tools between classes. :)
  • I will bring my questions, stories and epiphanies to class, and participate in the learning adventure!
  • I will maintain confidentiality and privacy in all classes, readings and events at the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii.
  • If I’m unable to attend class live, I will notify the Clairvoyant Center as soon as possible, and ask to receive the audio recording of class. I understand that I will be able to receive up to three class recordings during this course. If I need to miss more than three classes, I will not receive the class recordings.
  • I am entirely responsible for my own personal safety, health, and mental, physical, emotional, and general well-being during my Clairvoyant Training.
  • I release Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii and their representatives, board of directors, ministers, employees, volunteers, assistants, and affiliates, of any liability for any injuries or damages mentally or physically I might incur through my participation. I understand that Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii is in no way psychotherapeutic or medical in nature. Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii is not involved with the treatment of disease of any kind and does in no way substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii leaders do not treat, prescribe, or diagnose any illness, disease, or any other physical or mental disorder.
  • I release Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii and their representatives and any of their employees, assistants, and affiliates from any injuries or damages mentally or physically that I might incur during or after my Clairvoyant Training, or as a result of following any advice given to me during my Clairvoyant Training.

Refund & Transfer Policy

When you enroll in this course, you are embarking on a profound spiritual journey, which means it’s important to show up live and participate! You may receive a full refund up until the 2nd class begins, provided you let us know in writing of your intent to withdraw. There are no refunds after the 2nd class begins.

You will want to be present for class. However, it is okay to miss up to 3 classes and request a class recording. If you will be absent for more than 3 live classes, please make arrangements with your teacher. You may be asked to transfer to the next live course for which you can be fully present. In this case, your tuition will be credited to the next course, and there will be a $75 transfer fee. (One transfer is allowed. Tuition credit will be valid for 1 year.)

(Your teacher will share more about these agreements with you during the first class. And if you have any questions about them, please email us at!)

  • I am willing to play, grow and learn Clairvoyance!
  • I will attend the live class each week.
  • I will show up on time to class!
  • I will create a quiet place to be in class, and minimize external distractions.
  • I will refrain from using illegal or recreational drugs during this series, and I will refrain from using cannabis on class days.
  • I will not share or teach what I learn in this class. I will not publish what I learn in this class in any medium. I will use the Clairvoyant tools for my own growth & development.
  • I will practice my new Clairvoyant tools between classes. :)
  • I will bring my questions, stories and epiphanies to class, and participate in the learning adventure!
  • I will maintain confidentiality and privacy in all classes, readings and events at the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii.
  • If I’m unable to attend class live, I will notify the Clairvoyant Center as soon as possible, and ask to receive the audio recording of class. I understand that I will be able to receive up to three class recordings during this course. If I need to miss more than three classes, I will not receive the class recordings.
  • I am entirely responsible for my own personal safety, health, and mental, physical, emotional, and general well-being during my Clairvoyant Training.
  • I release Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii and their representatives, board of directors, ministers, employees, volunteers, assistants, and affiliates, of any liability for any injuries or damages mentally or physically I might incur through my participation. I understand that Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii is in no way psychotherapeutic or medical in nature. Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii is not involved with the treatment of disease of any kind and does in no way substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii leaders do not treat, prescribe, or diagnose any illness, disease, or any other physical or mental disorder.
  • I release Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii and their representatives and any of their employees, assistants, and affiliates from any injuries or damages mentally or physically that I might incur during or after my Clairvoyant Training, or as a result of following any advice given to me during my Clairvoyant Training.

Refund & Transfer Policy

When you enroll in this course, you are embarking on a profound spiritual journey, which means it’s important to show up live and participate! You may receive a full refund up until the 2nd class begins, provided you let us know in writing of your intent to withdraw. There are no refunds after the 2nd class begins.

You will want to be present for class. However, it is okay to miss up to 3 classes in each 12-week course and request a class recording.. If you will be absent for more than 3 live classes in a 12-week course, please make arrangements with your teacher. You may be asked to transfer to the next live course for which you can be fully present. In this case, your tuition will be credited to the next course, and there will be a $75 transfer fee. (One transfer is allowed. Tuition credit will be valid for 1 year.)

(Your teacher will share more about these agreements with you during the first class. And if you have any questions about them, please email us at!)

  • I am willing to play, grow and learn Clairvoyance!
  • I will attend the live class each week.
  • I will show up on time to class!
  • I will create a quiet place to be in class, and minimize external distractions.
  • I will refrain from using illegal or recreational drugs during this series, and I will refrain from using cannabis on class days.
  • I will not share or teach what I learn in this class. I will not publish what I learn in this class in any medium. I will use the Clairvoyant tools for my own growth & development.
  • I will practice my new Clairvoyant tools between classes. :)
  • I will bring my questions, stories and epiphanies to class, and participate in the learning adventure!
  • I will maintain confidentiality and privacy in all classes, readings and events at the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii.
  • If I’m unable to attend class live, I will notify the Clairvoyant Center as soon as possible, and ask to receive the audio recording of class. I understand that I will be able to receive up to three class recordings during each 12-week course. If I need to miss more than three classes in a 12-week course, I will not receive the class recordings.
  • I am entirely responsible for my own personal safety, health, and mental, physical, emotional, and general well-being during my Clairvoyant Training.
  • I release Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii and their representatives, board of directors, ministers, employees, volunteers, assistants, and affiliates, of any liability for any injuries or damages mentally or physically I might incur through my participation. I understand that Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii is in no way psychotherapeutic or medical in nature. Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii is not involved with the treatment of disease of any kind and does in no way substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii leaders do not treat, prescribe, or diagnose any illness, disease, or any other physical or mental disorder.
  • I release Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii and their representatives and any of their employees, assistants, and affiliates from any injuries or damages mentally or physically that I might incur during or after my Clairvoyant Training, or as a result of following any advice given to me during my Clairvoyant Training.

Refund & Transfer Policy

When you enroll in this course, you are embarking on a profound spiritual journey, which means it’s important to show up live and participate! You may receive a full refund up until the 2nd class begins, provided you let us know in writing of your intent to withdraw. There are no refunds after the 2nd class begins.

You will want to be present for class. However, it is okay to miss up to 3 classes in each 12-week course and request a class recording.. If you will be absent for more than 3 live classes in a 12-week course, please make arrangements with your teacher. You may be asked to transfer to the next live course for which you can be fully present. In this case, your tuition will be credited to the next course, and there will be a $75 transfer fee. (One transfer is allowed. Tuition credit will be valid for 1 year.)

(Your teacher will share more about these agreements with you during the first class. And if you have any questions about them, please email us at!)

  • I am willing to play, grow and learn Clairvoyance!
  • I will attend the live class each week.
  • I will show up on time to class!
  • I will create a quiet place to be in class, and minimize external distractions.
  • I will refrain from using illegal or recreational drugs during this series, and I will refrain from using cannabis on class days.
  • I will not share or teach what I learn in this class. I will not publish what I learn in this class in any medium. I will use the Clairvoyant tools for my own growth & development.
  • I will practice my new Clairvoyant tools between classes. :)
  • I will bring my questions, stories and epiphanies to class, and participate in the learning adventure!
  • I will maintain confidentiality and privacy in all classes, readings and events at the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii.
  • If I’m unable to attend class live, I will notify the Clairvoyant Center as soon as possible, and ask to receive the audio recording of class. I understand that I will be able to receive up to three class recordings during this course. If I need to miss more than three classes, I will not receive the class recordings.
  • I am entirely responsible for my own personal safety, health, and mental, physical, emotional, and general well-being during my Clairvoyant Training.
  • I release Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii and their representatives, board of directors, ministers, employees, volunteers, assistants, and affiliates, of any liability for any injuries or damages mentally or physically I might incur through my participation. I understand that Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii is in no way psychotherapeutic or medical in nature. Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii is not involved with the treatment of disease of any kind and does in no way substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii leaders do not treat, prescribe, or diagnose any illness, disease, or any other physical or mental disorder.
  • I release Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii and their representatives and any of their employees, assistants, and affiliates from any injuries or damages mentally or physically that I might incur during or after my Clairvoyant Training, or as a result of following any advice given to me during my Clairvoyant Training.

Refund & Transfer Policy

When you enroll in this course, you are embarking on a profound spiritual journey, which means it’s important to show up live and participate! You may receive a full refund up until the 2nd class begins, provided you let us know in writing of your intent to withdraw. There are no refunds after the 2nd class begins.

You will want to be present for class. However, it is okay to miss up to 3 classes in each 12-week course and request a class recording.. If you will be absent for more than 3 live classes in a 12-week course, please make arrangements with your teacher. You may be asked to transfer to the next live course for which you can be fully present. In this case, your tuition will be credited to the next course, and there will be a $75 transfer fee. (One transfer is allowed. Tuition credit will be valid for 1 year.)

Learn how to say hello to the 7 states of grief.

Learn how to process them, understand them and see why they are necessary. To be compassionate and understanding with yourself and others. To reap the best rewards from this rich spiritual experience.

Who is this workshop for:

All people. We each experience loss at some point. If you are experiencing one now, great, jump in! Also: If you work with people, they will have these experiences.

Knowing these phases and stages helps you to be understanding, compassionate, patient, wise and sometimes to survive around another person as they go through it! We all participate with other people, so this is big. If you are a parent, a child, a mate, a friend, a healer…you get the idea!

The stages are the same for all people, however, people do go through them in different ways.

Some people suppress them, some people deny them, some people override them,
Some people go very deep and hit huge enormous waves, some people seemingly skim through it.
Some body types * spirit types have extremely sensitive energy and emotional systems and the phases can be very overwhelming.

Grief is a difficult but rich Emotion. It is a bridge we must all cross at one time or another. We will address grief that is a symptom of a death.

There are 2 really big kinds of grief:

1) The first has four major areas in our lives:

A career or job
A relationship
A place to live, moving, etc.
The end of an area, stage or period in our lives

2) The second area is the loss of another person.
Parents, Partners, Mates – Husbands – Wives – Siblings, Really close friends, Beloved pets. etc.

We are generally not taught in our families or schools, churches, communities , etc. how to process grief and what the symptoms actually are. Join us and we will be enlightened together. To be whole people we really need to understand and be able to refer to these stages for ourselves and others. When we get it, life can be richer, cleaner, deeper, sweeter and more profound in every way.

When we go through these stages cluelessly we see:

Confusion, Despair, Depression, Apathy, Sickness, Overwhelm, Loss of Incentive, Illness, Lack of Creativity and so much more….

We may take it out on our: Relationship, Careers, Bodies, Friends or so many other situations if we don’t understand..

When we don’t know what’s going on, we and others can really damage ourselves & our lives, when we do know it is a glorious thing!

When we get it and understand it:

We know it will go in stages.
We know its natural.
We know when its rough, we will surface.
We know the next chapter is coming.
That our heart is breaking open to more light and love.

That a new and brighter Sun will indeed rise!


Lisa French; Founder of Magic Isle and the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii. Clairvoyant Teacher for over 35 years. Lisa also has a degree in shamanic arts and has been active in that field for the last 25 years.